Fertility Thoughts this Holiday Season

Fertility feelings can often be heightened around the holidays and the end of the year. The thought could be “Another year over and I still don’t have a baby” or “I would have been this many weeks pregnant at this time” or “My baby would have been this old at the holidays”.  

I was inspired to write this post after some discussions with my current fertility clients. The emotions can be easily triggered this time of year.  Here are a few thoughts to carry with you this holiday season.

First, remember to give yourself grace during this time.  You can feel happy and sad all in one day.  

Have a plan at the family gatherings.  Have a trusted family member or friend stick by you throughout the party and be sure to keep topics away from fertility.   If the topic comes up about “When are you having kids” or “How is it going”, have a prepared answer.  

Remember people either don’t know you are struggling or if they do they do not know what to say.  Unless you have been through it, well you just don’t know.  

Thoughts for family or friends that had someone they know go through a pregnancy/baby loss this year.  

If you see them at a party, when you greet them just simply say “I have been thinking of you.”  It is unlikely they would like to discuss it at that time.

If you don’t see them this holiday season, just send them a quick text or note that says, “I cannot imagine what this year has been like for you, please know that I think of you often.”

When you experience loss the hard part is life goes on.  It feels like everyone forgets.  A simple acknowledgement can go a long way.

To all of you that are trying to have a baby or grow your family, I am sending you big hugs this holiday season.  

For a little inspiring story of hope, read my post about the most miraculous story that happened, 9 years on the exact day that we lost our daughter Christine.  Read here

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