Benefits to Learning HypnoBirthing In-Person

Before the pandemic, The HypnoBirthing Institute did not allow virtual teaching because they knew it did not offer the same quality of teaching.  While it served its purpose,  there is so much that is missed or lacking in a virtual setting.  This is why I brought it back to in-person and will never look back.  

I have taught HypnoBirthing to hundreds of couples. The classroom is filled with expectant parents.  Some first timers and some having their 3rd or 4th baby!

The energy in the room just cannot be beat.  There are interactive conversations not just with me but with other parents.  There is laughter.  There are lots of great questions.  I get to know couples and offer them support personalized to them.  

Trying to teach breathing techniques through a screen I found to be insufficient.  I recently did a presentation about HypnoBirthing and someone who took my class virtually during the pandemic was there.   Afterwards her comment was, “Wow, that was way different than the virtual class.  I got so much more out of it.”  And that was only a one hour sample!

Personally, when I have had to take a training virtually, or was in a virtual meeting, I found myself distracted.  Looking at the clock.  Checking my phone.  While teaching I noticed the same thing.  Partners getting up, coming and going.  People checking their phones.  How really invested are you when you are in the comfort of your own home?  

Don’t take virtual just because it is easier or more convenient.  Come join in on the fun and get excited together about your upcoming birth!  


Our muscles are like our emotions...if we are too hard on them, we will aggravate them even more!


Dad's HypnoBirthing Testimonial