2023 Reflections

In 2023 people would ask me all the time how things at the Center were going.  My answer was...amazing.  Really everything I hoped it would be!

The Body, Birth and Baby Center opened 1.5 years ago and I am still pinching myself. I first began prenatal work 17 years ago. I had my first baby almost 15 years ago. Something about this work intrigued me even before my own pregnancies, births and motherhood experience.

I often reflect on how far that little nudge has come.  Through so many hours of training, too many people to count that I have had the opportunity to work with, through the endless hours of motherhood, there is one thing that stands out to me the most and that is human connection. That is the piece we all need.

Some of my clients are still on the path to motherhood.  Some have multiple babies, some are still growing their families and some of have completed their family. The one crucial piece to all of this, is that human connection.

Beyond the classes and the care you receive during this time in your life, my hope is that you have felt heard, respected and supported. This was my vision for the Center.

In a time when everything is digital or virtual we need to go back to building our community.  It does not benefit us to try to figure this all out on our own at home.

We need people in our daily lives to help support us and to lean on. That is what The Body, Birth and Baby Center is all about.

Some of my favorite moments are the conversations after a class or in the hallway between appointments or seeing the Center full at our social events. What makes me so happy is to see or hear about people hanging out all on their own that met at the Center!


"Reclaiming Strength: The Surprising Benefits of Rest in the First 6 Weeks After Birth"


HypnoBirthing and the Pelvic Floor: My Experience As a First Time Mom Doing a Homebirth